4 recommend books this summer

Summer is the season for relaxation, having fun, enjoying some free time… and, of course, catching up on your reading.

Whether you prefer the smell of a good paperback or you’re a big fan of e-books, you’re definitely going to need something good to read in your suitcase this summer.

If you haven’t got much of an idea of what books you want this summer, here come some ideas to help you choose, depending on your favorite genre:

‘Until the sun rise’

By Megan Maxwell. Romance novel.

Esther and Sofia are two sisters who, together with their father, run a small hotel in the beautiful town of Benicàssim.

The elder sister, Esther, is sensible, hardworking and terribly responsible, spending more time than she should working at the hotel. Sofia, on the other hand, is complicated, selfish and a little foolish at times. She is also spoiled by her family and friends, which does her no good.

Esther decides to enrol in a cooking course in London. During her trip, she meets Jorge, a man who make her believe in magic and romance.

Sofia, for her part, meets Luis, who teaches her to love herself and realise that life is about both plans and results. If you really want something, you have to work for it.

“Until the sun rises” is a story in which love, family, friends, perseverance and music feature prominently. Dive in and enjoy the ride.

Book: Until the sun rises

Cathedral of the sea’

By Ildefonso Falcones. Historical novel.

14th century. The city of Barcelona is living a moment of real prosperity. It has grown outwards towards the Ribera, the humble fishing village, whose inhabitants decide to build, with their own money and effort, the greatest Marian temple ever known: Santa María de la Mar.

The construction parallels the haphazard story of Arnau, a serf who fled from the abuses of his feudal lord to take refuge in Barcelona, where he becomes a citizen and, thus, a free man.

The young Arnau works as a stableboy, a stevedore, a soldier and a money changer. A tough life, living always under the protection of the cathedral of the sea, that eventually lifts him from the misery of the fugitive life to nobility and wealth. With this privileged position, however, comes also the envy of his peers, who concoct a sordid story that puts his life in the hands of the Inquisition…

“The cathedral of the sea” is a story in which loyalty and revenge, betrayal and love, war and plague are intertwined in a world marked by religious intolerance, material ambition and social segregation. All this makes the novel not only absorbing, but also a fascinating and ambitious recreation of the light and shadow of the feudal era.

Book: Cathedral of the sea

Memento Mori’

By César Pérez Gellida. Crime fiction.

September 2010. That Sunday morning, nothing bade well for Valladolid homicide inspector Ramiro Sancho, who was entering a nightmare that would leave him scarred for the rest of his days.

The investigation of the murder of a young Ecuadoran girl, who was found with her eyelids mutilated and threatening verses on her body, occupies the first pages of this dark crime novel that is narrated with dynamic and daring cinematic language. The author takes us down an unexpected path, however, in describing events from the perspective of the murderer himself: a narcissistic sociopath influenced by modern music and great works of literature.

The frenetic evolution of events leads to the involvement of one of the most widely recognised experts in the behaviour of serial killers. This complex emotional triangle, coupled with the intrigue that surrounds the murderer’s sinister accomplice, makes “Memento mori” an action-packed thriller with a soundtrack that will hook the reader from beginning to end.

Book: Memento Mori

I dont know whether to throw myself under the train… or at the driver’

By Sandra Broa. Humour.

Sandra is a thirty-year-old who, after seven years of dating her boyfriend and four living together, finds herself back on the singles market. Unlike most women her age, however, she thinks that her thirties are fantastic: even if your bum’s beginning to sag a little, at least you have a clear idea of what you want, have more confidence in yourself and are more economically independent. Besides, you’re a single with a lot of choice: you can connect with men of virtually any age! For older men, you’re like a breath of fresh air and full of life; for twenty-somethings, it’s your experience that intrigues them.

Her single friends had warned her how bad the dating scene was, how difficult it was to meet someone decent, how narrow some guys are and how pushy others are… And she had thought to herself, “Surely, it can’t be that bad! I’ll show them!”. Soon after she began to put herself out there, however, she realised that the picture was not as bad as her friends had been painted it.

“I don’t know whether to throw myself under the train… or at the driver” is a fun book narrated in first person, like a diary interspersed with conversations about sex with friends. It’s funny and has a free and easy style: just like the author.

Book: I don’t know whether to throw myself under the train or at the driver

By Treintay.com

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