Work on the net

Social media have long evolved from being a mere showcase to becoming a powerful personal marketing and recruiting 2.0 tool. If you only use Facebook to upload your selfies, read on…

LOOKING FOR WORK? Use social media wisely

Real Case: Aránzazu Castillo, Community Manager in Room Mate Hotels

She knows all about looking for work on social networks… How do you think she got to be Community Manager at Room Mate Hotels?

I found the job offer to work at Room Mate Hotels on Twitter. Combine the “job” hashtag with that of the position you’re looking for (“#communitymanager” in my case) and the city where you want to work (#madrid). It really helped me to have my CV as a PDF with links to the social media where I’d published some articles…. Don’t be shy! We get private messages from people wanting to work with us everyday. In fact, job offers are some of the most shared contents.